Praxis ...supporting extraordinary people

System Development

When working with our clients in the design and development of their Management systems, it is important that we understand;

  • The nature of their business.
  • The sectors in which they operate.
  • Their Aims and Aspirations.
  • Their Organisation and available Resource.
  • The Hazards and Quantified Risk standing in their way.

Once armed with this information we are then able to provide our clients with the professional advice, help and support they need in the ‘Realignment’ of their existing systems, or the ‘Design’ of new systems they may need to develop and introduce.

All of this would be qualified and quantified within a detailed ‘Action Plan’ that confirms;

  • What needs to be done?
  • Why it needs to be done?
  • Who has Responsibility to do it? and
  • When it shall be done?

The plan is pro-actively managed and supported by Praxis until such time as compliance with pre-determined ‘Performance Criteria’ is achieved and accepted by our clients.

The Management Systems we help develop, install and implement on behalf of our clients are as simple and user friendly as they can be, based on the ‘Safe and Effective Mitigation of Quantified Risk’ and the achievement of ‘Pre-Determined Operational Performance’.

The detail of which is determined and agreed with our clients in advance of any work taking place, the detail of which would subsequently become the ‘Specification for the Planned Works’.   


Inspiring its clients, by developing and supporting extraordinary people.