...supporting extraordinary people
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Our Services
Praxis works closely with its client’s in the development of a ‘Risk Profile’, that is produced at the initial stage of our involvement. The profile is produced with help, support and input from 'Key Post Holders' within our client's organisation who are subsequently invited to attend a 'Risk Workshop', where they are asked to identify and consider the impact ‘Hazards’ they experience on a day to day basis may have on the Company's operations.
When considering the impact 'Hazards' we identify may have on our clients operations, we work hard to ensure those involved are not just considering exposure to 'Health and Safety' etc as is often the case, we are also keen to ensure all aspects of our client's exposure and interests are taken into account, such as finance and client relationships as well as their overall business and performance capability.
The profile that results from this process is subsequently used to justify the resulting content and complexity of the ‘Management Systems’ we help develop, support and implement on behalf of our client’s. The idea being that all the resulting ‘Controls’ considered necessary to both ‘Safely’ and ‘Effectively’ mitigate their ‘Risk’ are included and subsequently applied by fully qualified and responsible staff.
While Praxis make no guarantees, the annual ‘Premiums’ our client's pay to its ‘Insurer’ are often justifiably and significantly reduced due to the fact that they are able to demonstrate that they are not only fully aware of the ‘Hazards’ they may be exposed to, but that they have them safely and effectively under ‘Control’.
Finally, there has been a big ‘C’ Change’ in the approach to ‘Risk Management’, in that through its application and use not only ‘Bad and Negative’ experiences are being considered and identified, but due to a more open approach and pragmatic application to the processes involved, it has now also become possible to identify those experiences that may also have a ‘Good and Positive’ effect on the Company's overall business and operational performance potential.
This thought process has been further endorsed and supported through the origination and issue of a ‘British Standard’ that has been developed and made available specifically for this purpose. When applied as intended ‘Risk Management’ not only benefits the Company through the application and use of ‘Contingency’ and ‘Disaster Recover’ plans, it also serves to identify areas where ‘Business and Operational Improvement’ may be achieved and improved on an ongoing basis as a part of its day to day operations. (For further details please refer to – BS31100:2008 – Risk Management)
© 2014 Praxis Risk and Compliance Management Limited