Praxis ...supporting extraordinary people


Praxis has vast experience in helping and supporting Company’s within the Rail Industry.

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Construction & Civils

praxis works closely with all manner of Company’s within construction and civil’s sectors

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Service Sectors

praxis supports Company’s who themselves provide wide-ranging professional support services.

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Learning Companies

praxis supports a wide range of Companies who provide training and assessment services to various sectors.

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Labour Supply

praxis helps and supports suppliers of qualified labour to supply various supply chains.

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"It's our business, to support your business"

PRAXIS is one of the UK's most professionally accomplished consultancy and advisory companies with a reputation for amongst other things, developing, implementing and supporting top quality, fully integrated Management Systems for its client's. While as you would expect, the systems to which we refer ensure complete "Legislative Compliance", they also go on to further ensure compliance with all the recognised "ISO and OHSAS Management Standards" as well as any "Industry-Specific Standards" that may apply based on our client's "Sector of Operation(s)".

Praxis Strives to Encourage and Support a Safe and Effective Culture

While "Management Systems" in themselves are fine, and of course necessary to provide instruction, achieve the required level of consistency in operation and to ensure suitable levels of evidence for Audit, PRAXIS recognise that it is the "Competency, Motivation and Involvement" of our client's staff who really make the difference.

Praxis Strives to Add Value to its Clients operations.

PRAXIS is a "Customer Focused" company, such that "Compliance" is the very least we expect to achieve on behalf of our client's. So much so, that we actually believe we are failing in our professional and ethical duty if through the application and use of our "Services", our client's fail to achieve demonstrable and "Enhanced Performance" capability across all aspects of their operations.

How We Work

It is the "Correct Blend" of "Systems" and "People" that in the end achieve the "Required Culture" within our client's operations. People, their attitudes, application, involvement and hard work make the difference. They can "Think" for themselves and "Re-Align" efforts where necessary, whereby "Systems" are merely a "Tool", an "Aid" by which we strive to make people's tasks easier and more productive.

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About Praxis

In short, Praxis offer an extremely 'Professional Quality Service' utilising in-house, directly employed 'Competent Professionals', who in turn provide 'Tailor-Made Packages and Products' designed and structured to both 'Suit' and 'Meet' the needs of our clients.